JF Mulvey, Author
JF Mulvey was pleased to contribute a short story called A Danse Macabre to this fabulously imaginative compilation. The tale centres on paganism and witchcraft; with 'goodies', 'baddies', and those in-between. Reader beware: love, death, and magic are a powerful mix!
The Book of the Dead
“Dedicated to the living, the dead, and those in-between.”
A group of researchers from Middlesex University, working with prize-winning creative writers from the UK, the USA and Canada, have produced this exciting new book that explores the history of, superstitions about, magicks involved with, and religions surrounding… death!
‘Where should we look for answers if we wish to better understand death? Scientists still haven’t come up with all the answers, so maybe we shouldn’t just sit waiting for the future to tell us. Perhaps we should look elsewhere, possibly back in time, closer to when it all began. We could do worse than start with the Book of the Dead (1550BC), which pre-dates the Bible, after all.’ Dr Adam Dalton-West provides us with answers in a gripping introduction.
Learn how ancient tombs once worked as portals to the afterlife, find out the truth behind the judgement of Anubis, consider the arcane rituals of embalmers and spirit boards, be inspired and despairing with Loki and Hel, and tremble as you learn about Cthulu’s plans for us all!
With contributions from Gollancz author A J Dalton, prize-winner Steven Poore, established writers J.McDonald, Michael Conroy, Isabella Hunter, Nozomi Okumura and others, this collection explores death in all its guises, and reveals a few secrets for postponing, negotiating with or avoiding it altogether!